2025再出发 | 向内而生,向外而行

2025,如约而至!2025, is coming!
For many people, 2024 is a year that they hope will pass quickly, yet they also seem a little reluctant

DJSER has accumulated a decade of experience in the industry and has gained a lot of recognition and attention. We also witnessed the ups and downs of industry and the comings and goings of people.



Professionalism and Persistence


DJSER has insisted on annual summaries in the past five years. In addition to insisting on holding the CREDAWARD, it has also actively created more valuable communication and sharing opportunities for quality projects, companies, and outstanding architects/designers from an industry perspective; and tried to launch industry “whitepaper” and “design recommendation list”.


2024 DJSER Annual Summary and 2025 Outlook

Therefore, the 2024 annual summary is born inwards – looking back and summarizing the major events of 2024. That’s all! All industry partners who understand DJSER can quickly give up the time to read on.


大事件 Big Event

7月7日 July 7th
十年一刻·再出发 | 第10届CREDAWARD地建师设计大奖颁奖盛典
10 Years | The 10th CREDAWARD Award Ceremony
Keywords: 1000+ industry guests, dressed up for a rose-covered feast


8月1日 August 1
地建师 X 上海博华展览达成战略合作「CREDAWARD地建师设计大奖」
DJSER and IMSinoexpo have reached the strategic cooperation on CREDAWARD
Keywords: Strong Alliance, Cross-border Integration


线下活动 Offline Activities

3月26-28日 March 26-28
十年一刻·「这一代 NEXT」在路上·再出发
10 Years [NEXT] Topic Event
关键词:TOP 33建筑师/设计师参与、甦上奖·城市再生作品行业联展
Keywords: TOP 33 architects/designers participation, Su Award·Urban Regeneration Works Industry Joint Exhibition


5月25日 MAY25
525我爱我日 | 「甦上」城市草坪节
525 Love Myself | “SU” City Lawn Festival
Keywords: breaking the circle, architects entering the public


12月12-14日 December 12-14
十年一刻·拾级而上 | 地建师「设计推荐」专区

Ten Years | DJSER Design Recommendation Zone
Keywords: Design Recommendation List Release, DJSER Entering the Greater Bay Area


人物观点 Personal View

3月26-28日 March 26-28
A Decade’s Hall
DJSER has invited more than 50 scholars and industry leaders to talk about the past ten years:
曹宇英、常宇、陈建邦、杜春兰、杜鹏展、范炜、方芳、冯腾飞、高峰、胡国剑、胡劲松、黄天龙、黄向明、黄宇奘、贾朝晖、姜峰、蒋毅、Kevin Horn、赖雨农、李翔宁、林志明、孟建民、聂欣、潘冀、庞嵚、钱毅、乔渭柏、邱慧康、宋国鸿、孙虎、孙一民、田九坡、万晓宁、万友吉、王建国、谢渠、邢同和、许洁、阴杰、袁怡、詹晟、张继良、张羽、张兆强、张灼、章翼、赵彤、郑仕梁、钟鸣、周才贵、朱嘉荣、祝峥等(根据姓名首字母顺序排序)。
Yuying Cao, Yu Chang, K.B. Albert Chan, Chunlan Du, Pengzhan Du, Wei Fan, Fang Fang, Tengfei Feng, Feng Gao, Guojian Hu, Jingsong Hu, Terence Wong, Xiangming Huang, Yuzang Huang, Zhaohui Jia, Feng Jiang, Johnny Jiang, Kevin Horn, Uno Lai, Xiangning Li, Chiming Lin, Jianming Meng, Xin Nie, Joshua J. Pan, Qin Pang, Yi Qian, Weibai Qiao, Huikang Qiu, Guohong Song, Hu Sun, Yimin Sun, Jone Tian, Xiaoning Wan, Youji Wan, Jianguo Wang, Jeff. Tse, Tonghe Xing, Jie Xu, Jerry Yin, Yi Yuan, Sheng Zhan, Jiliang Zhang, Emma Zhang, Zhaoqiang Zhang, Zhuo Zhang, Yi Zhang, Tong Zhao, Ivan Cheng, Ming Zhong, Caigui Zhou, Jiarong Zhu, Zheng Zhu(Sort by alphabetical order of name).


好书推荐 Book Recommendation

DJSER Book Recommendation column was launched in February 2020. After receiving positive feedback from the industry, it is scheduled to share the joy of reading with industry knowledge communicators and practitioners on the 9th of each month. In 2024, the “Book Recommendation” is as follows:


优品推荐 ZAM

——Architectural Zinc Expert
As a global industry leader in the titanium zinc plate, RHEINZINK has always focused on producing top-grade titanium zinc plates, which are widely used in building curtain walls, roofs, interiors and water systems.

▶艾宝M Collection 模块化家具
——获得2024中国设计智造大奖·铜奖。M Collection 由Expocasa艾宝家具邀请工业设计师杨明洁先生担任首席设计师,沿袭艾宝家具一贯秉承的原创、环保理念,通过模块化设计,实现可持续设计理念。M Collection的“M”即为 Module 模块化,基于模块化的基础结构进行创新,实现各环节的可持续设计原则,而非浮于表面的装饰。
——Won the 2024 China Design Smart Manufacturing Award Bronze Award. Expocasa invites industrial designer Mr. Mingjie Yang to serve as chief designer of M Collection. It follows the original and environmental protection concepts that Expocasa has always adhered to, and realizes the sustainable design concept through modular design.
The “M” of M Collection stands for Module, which innovates based on the modular infrastructure to realize the sustainable design principles of each link, rather than superficial decoration.


行业资讯 Industry News

#地建师名师堂 | 364个重磅项目学习开课
DJSER VOICE | 364 Outstanding Projects Sharing

Architect magazine is selected as the extended version source journal of CSSCI (2023-2024).

The “code” for the regeneration of urban space: experience sharing in urban renewal between China and Japan

The 50th anniversary series of theme exhibitions Shanghai station of architecturestudio

#贺「日建设计 NIKKEN」乔迁之喜!
Congratulations to NIKKEN on their new office!

Amy, DJSER’s Founder, shares the past and future of CREDAWARD

#高层会晤 | 畅谈下一个十年「CREDAWARD地建师设计大奖」
High-level Meeting | Discussing the Next Decade of CREDAWARD


慈善助学 Education Charity

The “Education Charity” for DJSER was initiated by all the Jury Panel of CREDAWARD in 2016. It has been nine years so far, with a total amount of funding is RMB 507,800. A little bit of care builds the dream of young people.


Let’s start again!
Follow your heart and pursue your goal
DJSER looks forward to working with you over the next ten years!








CREDAWARD was initiated by DJSER in 2014 and has been renowned as its authority, comprehensiveness and internationality. It attracts participants from nearly 30+ countries and regions, including domestic and international property owners, development companies, international design institutions, state-owned and private design agencies.

The award invites top academic experts from both within China and abroad, as well as China’s top-tier urban developers with a background in architecture, to form its panel of judges. The award adheres to the evaluation criteria of “architectural aesthetics, environmental priority, user experience, and economic efficiency.” Over the past decade, CREDAWARD has maintained its rigorous selection process, an open and transparent selection mode, and strict award mechanisms, CREDAWARD is widely regarded in the industry as one of “the most credible awards” and has become the important way for project owners to find a quality design firm.

As a comprehensive design award, CREDAWARD brings together outstanding global designs, promotes the advancement of the industry, fosters the healthy development of the industry ecosystem, guides the future path of urban development, and contributes to social sustainability.




DJSER is recognized by Chinese Real Estate as the media platform to select global outstanding design firms, with 20W+ WeChat Platform followers. Accompanying the development of the industry for 10 years, DJSER has gathered nearly 1000+ outstanding worldwide design firms and principals who pursue excellence and innovative design. DJSER aims to gather diverse design forces, reignite the design vitality, promote design value, and strive to build a better future for the world! DJSER assists in marketing promotion with a focus on enhancing corporate brand value through design quality.

DJSER’s high quality event CREDAWARD, CREDesign Salon, DJSER Congress, DJSER Design Festival, Brand Salon have received high praise from the industry.



DJSER hasreached a strategic cooperation with Shanghai SinoexpoInforma Markets International Exhibition Co., Ltd.(lMSinoexpo).With the resource background of IMSinoexpo, a more diversified communication and wider media dissemination platform will be launched for the Grand Prize participants.