No. 9 Rhapsody

We design our studio like the setting for a science fiction movie with a strong sense of prop. Using the two units yield multiple compositions and expansions in response to distance characters. The cubic unit is applied on the couch, blanket, and steps, where the cubes covers the multi-dimensions of up and down, left and right. The stereometric layering defined the openness of multiple compositions on the first floor. The black steel panels form the curvaceous unit. The layering of geometric shapes is distorted and divided like an organic morphology of water bar, information desk, and the long dining table.

Project Information

5 months

Consultant firms

9Studio Design Group 九號設計集團
9Studio Design Group 九號設計集團
9Studio Design Group 九號設計集團
9Studio Design Group 九號設計集團
9Studio Design Group 九號設計集團
9Studio Design Group 九號設計集團
9Studio Design Group 九號設計集團


主創設計師:李東燦 參與設計師:陳俊凱、劉晉誠