138 Degree Park – Vanke Park Avenue Sales Center

Water brocade – the birth of the 138 degree diamond.

Quadrant grid – intrusion/coverage – the original plane.

Synergized growth – functional regions ‘grow’ from planar dimension.

The ‘growing Diamonds’ then materialize into: the front desk, model showcase area, negotiation area, landscape pool, florist, children’s playground, stair, air gallery, plant wall, partition wall, background wall, and the tassel.

Extruded growth – volumes ‘grow’ from spatial dimension—The designers use the quadrant principle of xyz axis to define the ‘growths’ of the diamonds with various functions that set within the 4m-8m physical axial boundary.

The 138 degree diamonds ‘grow’ through ways of synergy, connection, raising, folding, over-turning, and twisting…to ‘grow’ a modern park.

Art device:

Thousands of diamond-shaped acrylics – poetically scattered in the air.

The designers using video and imagery to project the sound of wind, rain and whirling leaves onto those thousands of fragmented diamonds. Just like looking through a kaleidoscope into our spectacular world…

Project Information

China Vanke Co., Ltd
1,000 sqm
6 months

Consultant firms

Avori Design


Ruoyu Li