Chang’an Tang Village Shitangsu is located in the south of Xi’an City. Wangqu Street Nanbao Ancient Village on Shenhe Plateau is close to the city, with Zhongnan Mountain in the south, Mengxi Valley in the east, and Momo River in the west; Here, mountains, rivers and tablelands, and farmlands add radiance to each other; This is the idyllic village at the foot of Chang’an Chengnan and Zhongnan mountains that poets often read in the Tang Dynasty; It is also the habitat of the body of cloth clothes and the hometown of literati and elegant officials. Based on the traditional villages in Guanzhong, the project reproduces the layout of streets and neighborhoods in farming China and the natural scenery in Tang poetry on the hollow village site of the ancient village, presenting a comfortable and tranquil countryside gathering of “poetry ends in the south and fireworks is the hometown”.