The Wenzhou INCITY MEGA project is located along the central axis of Lucheng District, Wenzhou — the area along the Central Green Axis, which is on the southwest side of the intersection of Shifu Road and Jinjiang Road. The Central Green Axis is a newly developed popular district where government buildings, cultural sites, housing, education, leisure and entertainment are located.Wenzhou INCITY MEGA occupies two of the eight plots on the Central Green Axis, with a diverse mixed-use program including retail, cinemas, plazas, and health facilities.
The InCity MEGA scheme is comprised of two plots, one containing the “InCity MEGA Mall” with the other featuring a longwaterfront boutique district. The Mall component features an inner courtyard created by pushing the structure outwards towards the plot boundaries. This courtyard forms the heart of the complex, flanked by open-air platforms on the levels above.