China Fortune Tian Di Phase 1

The urban topography creates a “built landscape” effect, where architecture and nature are fused and blended. The site is located by the edge of a canal, which was previously hidden away from the public eye.

The project identity is defined by landscape with an interplay of layers, giving a variety of views and color.

The vertical colored fins found on the curtain wall of China Fortune Tian Di’s facade produce different visual effects depending on what direction you are viewing. As you move around the building the architecture varies in texture and color and is in constant motion depending on the direction it is viewed. As a response, the landscape also is with movement; choreographed to be in constant motion of color as it moves up and through the architecture like a ribbon of seasonal color.

The interface of landscape and architecture demonstrates how integrated practice of landscape and architecture can have dramatic environmental consequences: the ecological role of both ceases to be a separate agenda and allows for buildings and landscapes to perform as linked interactive systems that heal the environment.


Project Information

Shanghai Yihui Investment Management Co., Ltd.
28,400 sqm

Consultant firms

Design Land Collaborative Ltd.


Dwight Law