Wenxin Xinyi in Taibei
Wenxin Xinyi is in the Xinyi Planning District of Taipei.
In this area of corporate buildings and top hotels, residential areas are only a rare presence of 20% of the total plan.
Adhering to the cherished nature of this scarce residential land, the Developer Group invites neoclassical architects from the United States to create the top-class residence of the Upper East Side of Taipei.
As a landscape team, to connect the architectural design, the project’s design goal was finally determined, that is, the landscape space and the building were ‘perfectly integrated’. This kind of fusion not only conforms to the style, but also presents from the aspects of the material texture and the shape of the landscape space, and builds the intriguing and exquisite value through the details, in response to the eternal interpretation of the proportion of this master building.